How to Care for Your Lash Extensions in Singapore’s Humid Climate

Lash Extension Procedure in Singapore Beauty Spa

Lash extensions have become a popular beauty treatment in Singapore, with many women opting for this semi-permanent solution to achieve fuller and longer lashes. However, the humid climate in Singapore can pose a challenge when it comes to caring for lash extensions. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to care for your lash extensions in Singapore‘s humid climate.

Understanding Lash Extensions

Before we dive into the specifics of caring for lash extensions in a humid climate, let’s first understand what they are and how they work. Lash extensions are artificial eyelashes that are attached to natural lashes using a semi-permanent adhesive. They come in various lengths, thicknesses, and curls to create different looks.

According to research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, lash extensions are generally safe when applied correctly by a trained professional. However, there is a risk of allergic reactions or infections if proper hygiene practices are not followed.

Tips for Caring for Your Lash Extensions

Here are some tips on how to care for your lash extensions in Singapore’s humid climate:

1. Keep Them Dry

One of the most important things you can do to care for your lash extensions is to keep them dry for at least 24 hours after application. This means avoiding water, steam, and sweat during this time period.

In addition, try to avoid getting your lashes wet as much as possible throughout their lifespan. This can be challenging in Singapore’s humid climate where sweating is inevitable. To combat this issue, use a clean cotton swab or pad to gently pat away any moisture around your eyes throughout the day.

2. Avoid Oil-Based Products

Oil-based products such as makeup removers and cleansers can break down the adhesive used to attach lash extensions and cause them to fall out prematurely. Instead, opt for oil-free products specifically designed for use with lash extensions.

3. Brush Them Daily

Brushing your lash extensions daily with a clean spoolie brush helps keep them looking neat and tidy while also preventing tangling or twisting of the lashes.

4. Be Gentle

Avoid rubbing or pulling on your lashes as this can cause damage or premature shedding. When removing makeup or cleansing your face, be gentle around the eye area and avoid tugging on your lashes.

5. Get Regular Touch-Ups

Lash extensions typically last between two to six weeks depending on factors such as the quality of the adhesive used and how well they are cared for. To maintain their desired look throughout their lifespan, most people need touch-ups every three weeks.


In conclusion, caring for lash extensions in Singapore’s humid climate requires some extra effort but is definitely worth it if you want long-lasting results from this beauty treatment. By keeping them dry, avoiding oil-based products, brushing them daily, being gentle with them and getting regular touch-ups from trained professionals; you can enjoy beautiful lashes that last longer even under Singapore’s hot weather conditions!

Remember that while there may be risks associated with lash extensions if not done properly; research has shown that they can be safe when applied correctly by experienced technicians using high-quality products (as discussed above).