The Benefits of Basic Manicure and Pedicure & Their Steps

In our hectic lives, we often overlook the importance of self-care, but it’s the little things that can make a big difference. One such self-care ritual that offers both relaxation and beautification is the basic manicure and pedicure. These treatments not only pamper your hands and feet but also provide numerous benefits. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of basic manicure and pedicure, walk you through the step-by-step process of these services, and shed light on the key differences between basic and gel manicure and pedicure.

The Benefits of Basic Manicure and Pedicure

Improved Nail Health:

One of the primary benefits of a basic manicure and pedicure is the improvement of nail health. Trained technicians trim and shape your nails, which can prevent issues like ingrown toenails and split fingernails.

Exfoliation and Softening:

The exfoliation process involved in these treatments helps remove dead skin cells, leaving your hands and feet feeling soft and smooth.

Cuticle Care:

Manicure and pedicure services include cuticle care. Pushing back or trimming cuticles keeps your nails healthy and promotes a neat appearance.

Improved Blood Circulation:

The massages that accompany these treatments are not just relaxing; they also improve blood circulation in your hands and feet, reducing tension and fatigue.

Stress Relief:

The experience of getting a manicure and pedicure is a soothing one. It provides a break from daily stresses, promoting relaxation and mental well-being.

Enhanced Appearance:

Basic manicure and pedicure enhance the appearance of your nails. Your nails will look clean, polished, and well-maintained.

Steps for Basic Manicure and Pedicure Services

Step 1: Nail Soaking

Your manicurist or pedicurist will begin by soaking your hands or feet in warm, soapy water. This helps soften the skin and cuticles, making them easier to work on.

Step 2: Nail Trimming and Shaping

After soaking, your nails will be trimmed and shaped according to your preference. The technician will also address issues like ingrown nails or rough edges.

Step 3: Cuticle Care

Cuticle care is essential to promote nail health. The technician will gently push back or trim the cuticles to ensure they are tidy and don’t interfere with nail growth.

Step 4: Exfoliation

A scrub or exfoliating product is used to remove dead skin cells from your hands or feet. This step leaves your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Step 5: Massage

Enjoy a relaxing massage with moisturizing lotion or oil. This step not only soothes tired muscles but also improves blood circulation.

Step 6: Polish Application (Optional)

If you opt for nail polish, your technician will apply a base coat, the desired nail color, and a topcoat for a glossy finish.

Step 7: Drying

Allow the polish to dry completely before resuming regular activities. A quick-dry spray or fan may be used to speed up the process.

Differences Between Gel and Basic Manicure and Pedicure


Basic manicure and pedicure typically take less time than gel treatments. Basic services can be completed in about 45 minutes to an hour, whereas gel treatments may take 1.5 to 2 hours.

Products Used:

Gel manicures and pedicures involve the use of specialized gel polish, which requires UV or LED curing to set. Basic services use regular nail polish that air-dries.


Gel manicures and pedicures are known for their longevity. They can last up to two weeks without chipping, whereas basic polish may chip within a few days to a week.

Removal Process:

Removing gel polish requires soaking the nails in acetone or using gel polish removers, which can be damaging to the natural nail. Basic polish can be easily removed with regular nail polish remover.


Gel polish requires less maintenance as it stays shiny and chip-free for an extended period. Basic polish may need regular touch-ups to maintain its appearance.


Gel manicures and pedicures tend to be more expensive than basic services due to the specialized products and longer-lasting results.

Health Considerations:

Some individuals may be concerned about the potential health risks associated with the use of UV or LED lamps during gel treatments. Basic manicure and pedicure services do not involve these lamps.


Whether you opt for a basic manicure and pedicure or prefer the longevity of gel treatments, taking the time to care for your hands and feet offers numerous benefits beyond aesthetics. These treatments enhance the health and appearance of your nails, promote relaxation, and provide a well-deserved break from the stresses of daily life. So, treat yourself to a basic manicure and pedicure at your local salon, and enjoy the pampering and rejuvenation they offer. Your hands and feet will thank you, and you’ll leave the salon feeling refreshed and confident.